is the collective processes involved in creating software programs, embodying all the stages throughout the systems development life cycle (SDLC). To get the required application, module, system integration, mobile app, webshop or ecommerce site, it is important to follow a methodology of choice and to have a DTAP street in place (Development, Testing, Acceptance & Production).
Many Methodologies support the design of software to meet a business need, the development of software to meet the specified design and the deployment of software to production. A methodology should also support maintenance, although that option may or may not be chosen, depending on the project in question. There are in general 5 mainstream methodologies, Prototyping, Incremental development, Spiral development, Rapid application development (RAD) and Agile development (ASD). There are many more and choices are made nased on many aspects on which to use.
Each development wheter they involve ecommerce, webdesign, hosting, website development, custom development, crm, enterprise software, apps, mobile apps, or system integrations, generally following these waterfall stages in order:
D.1) Identification, Analysis & Detailed specification of the software requirements
D.2) The actual Architecture, Software design and the Programming/Coding
T.1) Testing
T.2) Customer Testing
A.1) Acceptance
A.2) Customer Acceptance
P.1) Production
M.1) Maintenance
SDLC and similar models are considered predictive methodologies, in contrast to adaptive models such as agile software development (ASD), rapid application development (RAD), joint application development (JAD), the fountain model, the spiral model, build and fix and synchronize-and-stabilize. Frequently, several models are combined into some sort of hybrid methodology as is the case with open source software development (OSSD).
No Matter what models is used, effective development starts by discovering the real business requirements that provide value when met. Then one should map them to the software design which will meet them. Discovering requirements directly takes relatively little time, certainly far less than backing into them by writing, checking, and adjusting code.
Once you have these, the product design can be partitioned reliably into several pieces. Each can be developed iteratively, including further detailed business requirements discovery, and ultimately integrated effectively.
The history of software development goes back to about 1810, when Joseph Marie Jacquard developed holes punched in cardstock to guide the patterns woven by his looms. It wasn't until 1949, however, that John Mauchly developed the first programming language, Brief Code (later known as Short Code).
As you can imagine, dgathering specifications & evelopment takes time and therefor a very well laid out strategy and structure is vital. At UseeY we will guide you through these steps & processes required to bring you the desired results to ultimately help you reach your goal.
UseeY will help you in solutions ranging from custom Magento modules, Enterprise Software, Microsoft Dynamics CRM integrations and solutions, SharePoint integrations to Custom Software or simply SEO optimisations.