U see y us being experts is way better than being a jack of all trades. We migh be the biggest fans of Magento you will find, and UseeY made it an art to know them inside and out. You want people to buy from you, we will help you.
We are proud of having the knowledge and sharing this knowledge to address your questions or possible issues. Many traditional companies in our industry can’t or tend not specialize due to diversification.
Obviously your brand is important and you invest accordingly into design, marketing, campaigns and what you believe is worthwhile to ensure you can grow your profit.
Your online presence and the way it interacts with your audience can make or break you and therefor there the technology used wherein your investment is presented is equally if not more important.
Speed, responsiveness, usability and intuitivity next to the triggers how easy it is to buy from you highly depends on how your presentation is technically designed and hosted.
UseeY has been involved with Wordpress and Magento (and other eCommerce platorms as well) since their start respectively 2003 and 2007.
We understand as no other the special requirements each platform needs and as such have our own designed and optimized hosting platform.